missions at fbbc

Missions is important at Frederick Boulevard. One of our deepest callings is to engage in and support projects and people who share our desire to glorify God by making disciples of all nations, from local to international. Because of this, we are honored to partner financially with many ministries.

Giving to missions happens all year long at Frederick--you don't have to wait for a specific drive or season to give. When you designate your gift to "Frederick Missions," it is distributed to 4 areas automatically:

The Missions Team at Frederick is an elected body of up to 9 members that make guided decisions regarding the missions activities of our church. Current members include: Cyndi King, Lisa Rost, Beth Barbosa, Chad Graves, John Lawrence, Tom Schallert, John Christensen, and Darcy Wing.


Email the Missions Team about anything missions-related, including information about upcoming missions trips and projects.